Working Dogs
When talking about working dogs there is a category where genetics even in a specific lines in a breed
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Working dogs are superior in genetics both physically and mental stability, (strong thinkers that process through stressful situations). These dogs are in constant demand with a shortage of supply world wide. Working dogs want to work, they need a job just like people. They are not your typical pet that likes to lay on the couch all day watching Animal Planet. It’s true that a small percentage of dogs are adopted from shelters are enlisted for jobs, but this is not a reliable source to pull solid working dogs, especially for law enforcement and military.
Types of working Dogs
The categories for working dogs range from herding dogs, service dogs, military and police K9s, protection dogs, search and rescue, conservation, and much more. There are even dogs that find bodies under water. The breeds chosen for these jobs mostly come from the hunting and herding world. |
OR6 dogs start Nero Stimulation training at only three days old, before their ears or eyes are even open. Their training starts at only a few days old and continues daily throughout the rest of their lives. Our dogs train for stability, drive, obedience, restraint, obstacles, elements, stress, work ethic, problem solving, noise, distractions, and more. These dogs don’t work for food or toys they work for success. Don’t mistake these dogs for mindless drones, these are very happy, playful dogs that love nothing more than be outdoors with their handler. |
OR6 has its own breeding and training program specifically focused on Belgian Malinois. Our dogs are trained in multiple disciplines to respond to new environments and maintain dignity during high stress situations. An OR6 dog at your side means a well mannered dog at an airport, on a trail, someone’s home, or a restaurant. These dogs love and live to work.
We train our dogs to track and find lost individuals, finds specific odors, every dog is trained with a high level obedience, we also teach our dogs to protect under dire situations. OR6 prides itself on maintaining our dogs individual personalities, which is entertaining. Even though they have individual personalities they are all consistent in their behaviors.
We train our dogs to track and find lost individuals, finds specific odors, every dog is trained with a high level obedience, we also teach our dogs to protect under dire situations. OR6 prides itself on maintaining our dogs individual personalities, which is entertaining. Even though they have individual personalities they are all consistent in their behaviors.
RagnarPersonal Service Dog (Semi-Retired)
Breed: Belgian Malinois
Age: 8yrs Weight: 75lbs Skills: Live Tracking, Service Dog Work, Demonstrations, Strategic Engagement, Odor: Narcotics Language: French Personality Traits: Ragnar makes everyone feel like his best friend. It’s near impossible to describe how intelligent and talented this dog is. Watching him work is nothing but amazing to see in action. Everyone wants a Ragnar but only a few can handle a Ragnar. |
BjornPersonal Service Dog (Active)
Breed: Belgian Malinois
Age: 3yrs Weight: 93lbs Skills: Live Tracking, Service Dog Work, Demonstrations, Strategic Engagement, Odor: Explosives Language: French Personality Traits: First thought that comes to mind is holly crap that’s a huge Malinois. He is a speed daemon that flys over and through the landscape like it was a golf course. So its crazy to see how gentle and obedient he can be with the smallest animals. |
MuddyService Dog
Breed: Belgian Malinois
Age: 3yrs Weight: 83 lbs Skills: Live Tracking, Service Dog Work, Demonstrations, Strategic Engagement, Odor: BLANK Language: French Personality Traits: Muddy is a sweet chonky boy always up for the next adventure. This is a dog that wont quit. Once he gets loved on everything goes motionless and the beast becomes very sweet. |
SimoneService Dog (Available)
Breed: Belgian Malinois
Weight: 72lbs Skills: Live Tracking, Service Dog Work, Demonstrations, Strategic Engagement, Odor: BLANK Language: French Personality Traits: Simone is a sweet girl in constant motion. Even in the air she knows exactly where to find the ground, saying she is agile is an understatement. She takes a moment to focus on task then she is locked in until the job is done. |
BoService Dog (Available)
Breed: Belgian Malinois
Weight: 75 lbs Skills: Live Tracking, Service Dog Work, Demonstrations, Strategic Engagement, Odor: BLANK Language: French Personality Traits: Bo is a Velcro dog always wants to work with his handler. He is a very handsome boy that attracts a lot of attention. This dog is friendly but prefers his person. Bo is an athletic dogs making everything look amazing. |